Compiz Fusion encourages use of the same coding style seen in Compiz:

Basic style

  • Indentations are 4 spaces wide, tabs are eight. So odd-leveled indentation ends with 4 spaces. In other words: For one level of indentation you use 4 spaces. For two levels you use 1 tab, for three levels you use one tab and 4 spaces, for four levels you use two tabs, and so on.
  • Function calls have a space between name and parameters:

    foo ()


  • Braces/brackets fall on next line to assist readability and closure detection:

    if (foo)
        bar ();
        baz ();


    if (foo) {
       bar ();
    } else {
       baz ();
  • It's ok, though, to omit the braces for a single line call:

    if (foo)
        bar ();
  • Function specs/prototypes have return and name/parms on seperate lines. Params should be aligned:

    static int
    foo (int          a,
         unsigned int b)
       bar (a, b);


    static int foo (int a, unsigned int b)
       bar ();
  • We use C comments, not C++ ones:

    /* this calls foo if bar */
    if (bar)
        foo ();


    // this calls foo if bar
    if (bar)
        foo ();
  • Variables are defined at the beginning of the scope.
  • Rule of thumb: CompDisplay variables are called d, CompScreen ones s and CompWindow ones w. As usual, there may be exceptions (e.g. if one needs multiple CompWindow variables).

Editor settings


set formatoptions=croqlt
set ts=8
set softtabstop=4
set shiftwidth=4
set cindent
set tw=80
set cino=(0,t0