plugins-main is the main plugin package for Compiz Fusion. Here, you'll find our most popular plugins as well as add-ons to the more basic plugins that come with Compiz Core. Several accessibility-oriented plugins for visually impaired users are available as well. This package also contains plugins that provide essential functionality required by other plugins; functionality such as DBUS inter-process communication, text rendering, and support for various image formats.

All of the plugins listed here are under active development and are very well supported by both the developers and the support team.

You can click on the name of each plugin below for more detailed information, including screen shots demonstrating their functionality as well as a description of the options they offer.

  • Animation

    • Choose among several highly customisable animations for opening, closing, minimising, shading, and focusing windows. They range from subtle motions such as zooming into or out from the taskbar, to extravagant fire and beam effects.
  • Brightness and Saturation

    • Fade a window toward or away from gray, and adjust its brightness.
  • Color filter

    • Modify the way certain colours are shown to make the screen more readable to visually impaired users. Or if there's a colour you positively despise, you can use this rid yourself of it.

  • Desktop Wall

    • Arrange your viewports into a grid, which you can freely slide across. This works well in combination with the Expo plugin.

  • Expo

    • Zoom out to see all of your viewports at once. Easily drag and drop windows across viewports to reorganise them.
  • Enhanced Zoom Desktop

    • Zoom in for a clearer view and continue working with your computer while zoomed in. This is an improved version of the Zoom plugin.

  • JPEG

    • Allow Compiz to use JPEG images for the desktop cube's caps, the skydome, and other elements with customizable images.
  • Magnifier

    • Magnify the portion of the screen around your mouse cursor.
  • Mousepoll

    • Needed by other plugins to track mouse movement. Plugins that depend on this functionality include Magnifier and Show mouse.

  • Negative

    • Improve contrast by inverting the colours in a particular window or across the whole screen.
  • Opacify

    • Cause overlapping windows to automatically fade out when your mouse pointer hovers over a partially obscured window.
  • Put

    • Move a window into the centre of your screen, or send it to any corner or edge with one press of a button.
  • Resize info

    • See exactly how many pixels wide and tall a window is as you resize it.
  • Ring Switcher

    • An alternative to the Application Switcher. This one lets you arrange your windows into a ring as you consider which one to focus.

  • Scale Addons

    • Add more options to the Scale plugin. Now you can see each window's title when you mouse hovers over it, as well as close and zoom windows without leaving Scale mode.

  • Shift Switcher

    • An alternative to the Application Switcher. This one lets you arrange your windows into a standing deck or flipping stack of thumbnails.

  • Snapping Windows

    • Make your windows snap to each other and the edges of the screen even when the Wobbly plugin is disabled.

  • Text

  • Viewport Switcher

    • Initiate viewport switching actions such as switching viewports and cube rotation with the middle-mouse button. You can also switch by selecting which number viewport your want to go to.
  • Window Previews

    • See a small thumbnail of a window when your mouse cursor hovers over its button in the taskbar.
  • Window Rules

    • Matching windows by name, type, or other criteria to make them visible on all viewports, stay above other windows, and follow other special rules.
  • Workarounds

    • Choose from several workarounds that may improve behaviour of legacy or non-standard applications.